The Muse Salon celebrate 2 years of putting Northampton on the map for textured hair!

The Muse Salon, based in Sol Central, Northampton, is to host its 2nd year anniversary bash at the Revolution Bar on the Town’s Bridge Street.
The Muse salon are a team of textured hair specialists. Since 1995 Lead stylist Erica, has been driven by her passion for kinky, coily, curly and wavy hair to create The Muse. The Muse is an innovative inspiring place for her clients to discover their hairs true potential.
Their craft is highly sought after due to their unique expertise, this team of qualified, creative textured hairstylists have people from all over the UK and beyond making the journey to get their coils coiffed, their curls kinked (in the right way) and their waves whirled!
So, The Muse Salon is 2 years into its journey and time to find out a bit more about this glorious artist’s studio for textured hair and its fabulous founder and leader, Erica Liburd-Hamilton.
Erica wanted to be a barrister but on learning that it would take 7 years of books, books and more books, decided she wanted to something more artistic and make people feel good at the same time. She set her sights high, spent 7 years in training, and when the opportunity came up for the salon in the right location, Erica jumped at the chance. Being born and bred in Northampton, it was important on a personal level to establish in the town, plus the central location of Northampton and its multicultural vibe meant she knew there was a need for her talent and services.
And she was right!
All those years of plaiting dolls hair and adding tassel scarves to her my little pony’s tails as a child, was the start of the career that Erica feels very passionate about. However, Erica did not stop there. She wanted to give something back and chose The Little Princess Trust which help children suffering hair loss due to cancer treatment. With 4 children, 2 of them girls, Erica knows first-hand that times spent washing, combing and styling hair can be an incredible bonding experience that everyone should be able to participate in. Erica supported The Little Princess Trust 3 years ago, by shaving her hair for sponsorship funds and donated her locks to create a wig for a child who needed one. Erica plans to continue supporting the charity by collecting money throughout the coming years.
For 2017 and beyond, the plan is to raise awareness and educate parents and carers through The Muse Salon’s Kids Curl Care Northampton Workshops, offering training for students interested in Afro hair types and continue to strive for excellence while maintaining a truly professional service to all of their clients.
The Salon provides a professional and caring service to clients with textured hair and at the UK’s largest Charitable Healthcare Provider. They also support foster carers and families who care for children of Black African/Caribbean and dual heritage.
Erica says, “Our support makes a difference by enabling, not only the parent/carer to feel confident with maintaining the child’s hair, but also allows the child to embrace their hair and be proud of it as they mature into adulthood.”